Have some pride.

Is it possible to be in two geographic locations at once? No, but if  you are at the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim stadium you can be!  Sounds pretty ridiculous right?  These two locations, Anaheim and Los Angeles, are approximately 40 miles apart from each other, and in two different counties; but they are put together to represent one baseball team.

Why would someone do that?  Simple, to generate more revenue.  This makes me feel that Arte Moreno, team owner, does not care about his team, only the money it makes.

Last year I moved out of my parents house to go to school at Chapman University located in Orange, Calif.  Rather than live right by the campus so I could walk to class, I thought it would be more enjoyable for me to take the 5 minute drive to school so I could live right by Angel stadium.  I am able to walk to games, enjoy the atmosphere, get free parking, and occasionally deal with all the Angel fans blocking State College Blvd.  All in all I am completely happy with my decision of  where I live.  Being an Anaheim resident I have a sense of pride for my hometown team.  Although, I do not feel that my hometown is properly represented.

I want the name Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim to be changed back to its name, Anaheim Angels. I also want Arte Moreno to realize that Anaheim has made a name for itself.  It is the home of Disneyland, and also a part of Orange County.  There is money to be made in Anaheim.  Keeping the name will make many of the fans happy to cheer on their local, hometown team.


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8 responses to “Have some pride.

  1. I am very interested to see where you go with this topic. You clearly have a great passion for it but I dont see how the name is hurting the Angels yet. I know unity of the southern california is something that is challenging as everything is so spread out but I feel like this gives southern california a baseball team to get behind and not just Anaheim or Los Angeles.

  2. I like this idea and I can sense your passion for it, but where are you going to take this blog? What are you going to use to convince the owner to change the name? I’m also thinking about the implications if you did manage to convince him to change the name to just the Anaheim Angels. How much would it cost? Would Los Angeles want their own team then also? Just something to think about.

  3. I like the topic a lot, because I too am from this area and although I am not a baseball fan per se, my friends and family are and still look at the Angels as the Anaheim Angels. I like that name better too, however I don’t know much on the background of the new name and when and why the owner changed it to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. I would like to know more about that in your following posts to better understand what makes you so passionate about this topic and why I should agree with you. Great start so far!

  4. I know how passionate you are about this topic with you being the Angels biggest fan! To support the blog I would try to incorporate news stories when the name changed and the reason behind Arte Moreno changing the name. I am excited to see where you take this blog and hopefully can change the name back!

  5. This is a fabulous topic! In my Principles of PR and Business Presentations classes with Kevin Mardesich, there were a ton of Angels fans, so this topic was continually brought up. From these discussions, I think the general consensus for those attending Chapman University and residents of Anaheim, is that it was a huge mistake to change the name. I agree with what you said that Anaheim has developed a name for itself with Disneyland as well as being part of Orange County, and I do not think a team that is located in Anaheim should be called by a city that is over half an hour away. I do agree with Kyle, however, that since Southern California is so connected, they probably wanted to give it a team and since LA is the biggest city, as well as one that is known virtually everywhere, it would seem like a good idea. Of course it is going to anger those that live in Anaheim and love being associated with them, but maybe they were looking at a bigger picture and either not considering the feelings of people living in Anaheim, or thinking that the benefits would outweigh the negativity that they would get from the people of Anaheim by changing their name to the Los Angeles Angels. I am excited to read these entries knowing how passionate you are about your Angels!

  6. My Sports PR class covered this topic last semester and it was really interesting to see students act out their own version of how the press release went. I think you can use the actual press release as a video clip or reference for your blog.
    I see both sides of this argument and am interested to see where this goes.

  7. I love your topic. I am not personally an Angels fan, but my bf is a die hard Angels fan and I have heard a lot about this topic. The “Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim” sounds absurd.

  8. I completely agree with you on this topic. I think it is an insult to change the name to the LA Angels of Anaheim, considering we aren’t in LA at all. Its so disappointing that everything always boils down to business. I can understand why this change was made, but definitely do not agree with it. Give us back our Angels!

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